Friday, May 9, 2008

How I came up with my handle (DK).

My initials are DKW.  Though online I usually just use DK.  I have relatives who used to sometimes call me "DK", though that didn't really have anything to do with me using it for my screen-names.

Starting when I was younger, when I'd play computer games where you can pick your name, I'd use "David" or "DKW"  On into my teen years when I'd be playing first person shooters against other people, I'd usually pick the name "DKW" by default.  But I eventually wanted something cooler, so I came up with "Deadly DK", a name I've since (just recently actually) pretty much stopped using as it sounds a little too egotistic and boastful.  But after I started using it I mostly dropped the use of my last initial in my screen-names and just went with DK-something-or-other.  I never was able to think of a better handle, but I've come to like what I've got.

So that's my slightly interesting, brief story on why I use DK for just about all my usernames online.


Hello to all who happen to stumble across this.  I'm David, or "DK" as I'm generally referred to online.  I'm 22, live in north Texas, and am (among other things) an aspiring filmmaker.

Blogging is something I've never really considered doing myself, until recently when I've had lots of things I wanted to post about on a certain message board that weren't really on topic and just thought "Why don't I just make a blog for it?"  So here it is.  My blog.

In time, I'll probably be posting about lots of various things, but mostly stuff related to filmmaking as it's my primary interest, and is (in one area or another) what I hope to do with my life.

Well that's about all I can think of at the moment for an intro.